Saturday, August 16, 2014

August 15--Day 404

Chilled with the teens again! And, America, I have some bones to pick with you. 1) Why on Earth are there golf clubs for sale for $500? I mean, really. (Insert happy story!) I was in Hallmark when I heard a familiar sound, coming from that little box. The Brady Bunch theme song. Smile. Huge smile. 2) Standing by the milk, listening to two roommates debate. "But, I just... I don't know. This little bottle is $1.29..." "But how often are you going to use it?" What? Ok, first, we drink milk, we don't use it. Second, it's not some obscure, fancy spice you're just going to set on your shelf. It's milk. It's a staple. It's a necessity. You should be "using" it often. And it kinda goes bad. So, "use" it all really soon. 3) I spent 15 minutes in Walmart, searching for a bottle of water. You know what? It doesn't exist! And, I can't keep talking about this because I'm still a little shell-shocked. 4) A real-life purge in Louisville? America! What is wrong with you! That's it, I'm going back to China. We may not have logic there, but things somehow make more sense.

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